The Presence Care Project offers mindfulness-based programs that aim to promote greater ease, enhanced well-being, and resilience for people caring for those who are living with mild cognitive impairment and dementia. Presence Care programs include the evidence-based Mindfulness-Based Dementia Care program, which is designed specifically to meet the unique challenges of families and friends who are caring for a person with dementia. Learn more about Presence Care.

The 3 Pillars of Presence Care


Presence Care programs invite care partners to cultivate a mindfulness practice that is especially geared toward the dementia care exchange. More

Integrative Understanding

Our programs offer an integrative approach that combines an understanding of the biological underpinnings of dementia with mindful self-awareness. More

Practice Community

Participating in Presence Care programs is an invitation to experience the benefits of being a part of a dedicated mindfulness practice community. More

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